Joe Crane joined IPO with an extensive background in commercial real estate. Initially focused on income property acquisition, his work then grew into all aspects of multifamily brokerage services. Following a very productive career at a leading global office and industrial brokerage firm, Joe made the decision to concentrate on the multifamily industry and be part of the highly specialized multifamily brokerage IPO. Since his commitment to IPO, Joe has quickly become a top producer, successfully closing over 100 transactions with a realized transactional revenue exceeding $200M. IPO’s client base recognizes Joe as a consummate dealmaker and a very valuable resource in the management of their respective portfolios.
Prior to his career in the commercial and multifamily real estate industry, Joe spent eight years in the United States Army Reserves and worked for the Department of the Army. He attended Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. While Joe’s dedication to his career in real estate is clear and obvious, his deepest commitment in life is to his family. Joe lives in the Metro Detroit area with his wife and two sons.